Central European
Conference on

July 4 - 5, 2023 — Linz, Austria

General Information

 We are pleased to announce that 23rd Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC 2023) will be held in Linz, Austria, July 4 - 5, 2023. The conference has become a traditional meeting point for people involved in cryptology. The aim of the conference is to gather people interested in discussing recent advances in all areas of cryptology, and experience in teaching the subject. All participants are encouraged to present a contributed talk.

 The aim of CECC 2023 is to bring together researchers in all aspects of cryptology, including (but not limited to):

  • cryptanalysis,
  • cryptographic applications in information security,
  • design of cryptographic systems,
  • encryption schemes,
  • general cryptographic protocols,
  • post-quantum cryptography,
  • pseudorandomness,
  • signature schemes,
  • steganography.

 The conference will take place at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. For further information please refer to the contact and travel information or contact the organizers.

CECC2023 Organizers

Important Dates

Call for papers opens:December 15, 2022
Submission deadline:March 22, 2023 (extended)
Notification of acceptance:April 27th, 2023 (extended)
Registration deadline:June 23rd, 2023

  Conference: July 4th until July 5th, 2023

Call for Papers

 Submissions must come in the form of a 2-4 page long extended abstract. Submissions must describe novel original work of the authors. Page limit for extended abstracts is strictly enforced, but the bibliography is excluded from the limit. Extended abstract should be submitted no later than March 22, 2023 via the Indico conference system.

 To submit an abstract, please note that you may have to create an account first. The submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and authors will be informed about acceptance or rejection by April 27th, 2023.

 Authors of accepted extended abstracts should present their work at the conference (or virtually, in case of a hybrid format). Accepted extended abstracts of registered participants will be published in conference abstract proceedings available to conference participants.

 Preliminary information about the conference is available at the conference website. Please share the PDF or Text version of this call with your colleagues.

Conference Schedule

    Tuesday, July 4

  • 08:30  Registration
  • 09:00  Opening
  • Session 1 (Chair: Daniel Panario)
    09:15 - 10:15Keynote 1: Protocols and Lower Bounds for Group Messaging
    Krzysztof Pietrzak
    10:15 - 10:45PRNG model for evaluation of MRHS cryptanalysis
    Pavol Zajac
    10:45 - 11:15Coffee Networking Session
  • Session 2 (Chair: Håvard Raddum)
    11:15 - 12:15Keynote 2: Side-channel analysis of cryptographic implementations:
    Lessons learned and future directions

    Lejla Batina
    12:15 - 12:45The complexity of elliptic normal bases
    Daniel Panario
    12:45 - 13:45Lunch
  • Session 3 (Chair: Laszlo Csirmaz)
    13:45 - 14:15Cycle types of complete coset-wise affine permutations of finite fields
    and their orthomorphisms

    Alexander Bors
    14:15 - 14:45Qubo Model For The Closest Vector Problem
    Claudio Qureshi
    14:45 - 15:15On Extremal Graphs, Algebraic Geometry and new Multivariate Public Keys
    Vasyl Ustymenko
    15:15 - 15:45Coffee Networking Session
  • Session 4 (Chair: Pavol Zajac)
    15:45 - 16:15Factoring RSA Keys Found in Certificate Transparency Logs
    Håvard Raddum
    16:15 - 16:45A polynomial quantum algorithm for generalized discrete logarithm problem
    and it's application for Hidden Discrete Logarithm Problem

    Andrii Fesenko
    16:45Information on Conference Dinner Location
    18:00Conference Dinner

  • Wednesdy, July 5

  • Session 5 (Chair: Tamás Herendi)
    09:00 - 10:00Keynote 3: Pseudorandom binary sequences:
    Quality measures and number-theoretic constructions

    Arne Winterhof
    10:00 - 10:30Invited Survey Talk: Smooth numbers and elliptic oracles factoring integers
    Jacek Pomykała
    10:30 - 11:00Coffee Networking Session
  • Session 6 (Chair: Andrea Huszti)
    11:00 - 12:00Keynote 4: The Impact of Quantum Technologies on Cybersecurity
    Andreas Poppe
    12:00 - 12:30Provable secure authenticated anonymous batch messaging for VANETs
    Norbert Oláh
    12:30 - 13:30Lunch
  • Session 7 (Chair: Jacek Pomykała)
    13:30 - 14:00Computing isogenies between Bernstein-Lange Curves
    Lukasz Dzierzkowski
    14:00 - 14:30Searching for an efficient system of equations defining the AES Sbox for the QUBO problem
    Elżbieta Burek
    14:30 - 14:45Announcement of CECC 2024
    Jacek Pomykała

Program Committee

  • Laszlo Csirmaz, UTIA, Czech Republic, and Renyi Institute, Hungary
  • Andrej Dujella, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Peter Gaži, IOG Research, Slovakia
  • Otokar Grošek, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Maciej Grześkowiak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
  • Jan Hajný, Brno University of Technology, Czechia
  • Tamás Herendi, University of Debrecen, Hungary
  • Clemens Heuberger, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria
  • Andrea Huszti, University of Debrecen, Hungary
  • Miroslaw Kutylowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • Vashek Matyas, Masaryk University, Czechia
  • Karol Nemoga, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
  • Jacek Pomykała, Military University of Technology, Poland
  • Håvard Raddum, Simula UiB, Norway
  • Stefan Rass, Johannes Kepler University Linz, and Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
  • Vincent Rijmen, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Josef Scharinger, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  • Daniel Slamanig, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
  • Martin Stanek, Comenius University, Slovakia
  • Rainer Steinwandt, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
  • Herendi Tamás, University of Debrecen, Hungary
  • Damian Vizar, CSEM, Switzerland
  • Michał Wroński, Military University of Technology, Poland
  • Pavol Zajac, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

Keynote Speakers

We are happy to welcome the following speakers for Keynotes.

Lejla Batina
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Krzysztof Pietrzak
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Arne Winterhof
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
Andreas Poppe
IDQ Europe

Registration and Accommodation

  • Fees and Registration Deadline
  •  The conference fee for on-site attendance is EUR 300.00 and covers attendance for the full scientific program, networking coffee sessions, lunches and the conference dinner on Tuesday. The fee for remote attendance is EUR 150.00 and covers the remote attendance for the scientific program. Please note that the deadline for registration is June 23rd, 2023.

  • Registration Site
  •  Registration and payment for the Conference is carried out through the conference administration system of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Click here to register.

  • Accommodation
  •  We have secured some rooms at a hotel in walking distance to the conference venue. You can find more details and other options here.

    Conference Venue

    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Building: Uni Center, Second Floor
    Room: Loft B, C and D
    Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

    Download JKU Campus Map

    Conference History

    • 22nd CECC, 2022, Smolenice, Slovakia
    • 21st CECC, 2021, Debrecen, Hungary
    • 20th CECC, 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
    • 19th CECC, 2019, Telč, Czechia
    • 18th CECC, 2018, Smolenice, Slovakia
    • 17th CECC, 2017, Warsaw, Poland
    • 16th CECC, 2016, Piestany, Slovakia
    • 15th CECC, 2015, Klagenfurt, Austria
    • 14th CECC, 2014, Budapest, Hungary
    • 13th CECC, 2013, Telč, Czechia
    • 12th CECC, 2012, Smolenice, Slovakia
    • 11th CECC, 2011, Debrecen, Hungary
    • 10th CECC, 2010, Bedlewo, Poland
    • 9th CECC, 2009, Třebíč, Czechia
    • 8th CECC, 2008, Graz, Austria
    • TATRACRYPT '07, 2007, Smolenice, Slovakia
    • NYÍRCRYPT '06, 2006, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
    • MoraviaCrypt '05, 2005, Brno, Czechia
    • WARTACRYPT '04, 2004, Bedlewo, Poland
    • TATRACRYPT '03, 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia
    • HajduCrypt '02, 2002, Debrecen, Hungary
    • TATRACRYPT '01, 2001, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia

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